Insulated Windows for Sound and Temperature Control

There are a variety of window choices that can add desired results to your home. You may be interested in temperature control, sound control, or optimal natural lighting. When you build a home from scratch, you are able to choose your windows upfront. There are times, however, when these goals must be accomplished by replacing windows. An entire house of replacements can be a big expense. There are several options for making your home resilient and energy efficient with windows. The new aluminium glazing process is helpful for several reasons.


Your electric bill may be high during the height of the summer or winter due to poor insulation from your current windows. This can be solved with Aluminium secondary glazing in Upper Norwood. This option can help you accomplish energy efficiency without replacing your current windows. The cost is less than a full replacement because it is an installation only process. There is no removal, which can add costs to the final bill. You many need to get your electric bills down but are not ready to spend the money on window replacements.

Less Invasive

The aluminium frame holds the windows and is added into the space available with a second layer window. This option is great when you do not wish to have your entire home torn up by contractors. These can also be removed if you do not wish to keep them in place, without harming the original windows. You can also still open your regular windows for ventilation and emergency escapes. This is an effective way to see how you like double paned windows. You can gain a better idea of the quality without making a huge commitment.


There are times when you need to make changes to your home quickly. A full window replacement is a big undertaking. You need to be ready to have every room of your home under construction. This can be difficult when you do not have time to take a lot of time off of work, or have company coming for the holidays. You may need to get the windows insulated before the cold or hot season begins. Perhaps your high electricity bill prompted this fast change to your home. Secondary glazing can be completed much more quickly than a replacement.

Take the time to explore your options while you are trying to figure out what needs to be done to solve issues with your home’s electric bill. Windows are often a big part of the problem, especially in older homes. It is not always in the budget to replace a house full of windows. Secondary glazing helps to insulate the home from sound and noise at a fraction of the price.

It’s essential to Book Your EICR Inspection to ensure your property’s electrical safety and compliance. An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) helps identify potential issues, protecting residents and meeting legal requirements for property owners.